Perkasie Recreation
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GeoVenture Outdoor Camps: Zombie Survival & Nature Adventure Camps

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Boy playing in creek
Our mission is to get people active & back outdoors. We’re dedicated to reconnecting people with the outdoors through nature-based adventures. Utilizing games, technology and unique storylines, our programs introduce participants to new activities that encourage a healthy lifestyle and connection with the world that surrounds them.

Zombie Survival Camp
 (ages 9-12)
Are you prepared to survive a zombie invasion?  In this playfully spooky camp we learn real survival skills with exciting immersive storyline.  Learn proper protocol for building zombie-proof shelters, location supply caches using GPS, games training the undeath’s movements and camouflaging skills.  Have a blast with games and challenges and leave with some useful knowledge of emergencies and life in the wild! Each day will include hands-on activities, discussion, and team activity.  Bring a water bottle and snack, wear comfortable shoes and dress for activity and weather.
  Monday – Friday, June 17th – June 21st from 9a-12pm
Rotary Pavilion, Lenape Park, 504 Constitution Ave, Perkasie
Nature Adventure Camp
 (ages 6-8)
Be explores of the plant and animal world all around us.  Together we’ll encounter creatures, identity prints and tracks, explore ecosystems, play stealthy games and hunt for natural treasures.  Join us for a great adventure every day!  Each day will include hands-on activities, discussion, and team activity.  Bring a water bottle and snack, wear comfortable shoes and dress for activity and weather.
Monday – Friday, July 8th – July 12th from 9a-12pm
Skate Park Pavilion, Lenape Park, 504 Constitution Ave, Perkasie

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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